SKSC 500 Meter Range Officers have the privilege of shooting on the range during normal club hours as long as there are no events scheduled. For this privilege, each RO must volunteer 4 hours per year operating the range for the members to shoot. For their effort, ROs receive the dues work credit of 4 hours which reduces their renewal by $60.
How to Become a Range Officer
Any member who is 18 years of age or older may become a Range Officer for the 500 meter range by attending the RO class, passing the written test, paying $20, and agreeing to volunteer 4 hours per year as an RO on the 500 meter range. You must sign-up for the class HERE.
All training classes will be conducted at the SKSC club house on the dates and at the times indicated.
You must have your gate card, picture ID, a pen or pencil, and cash or check to cover the $20 for the class. Please arrive 15 minutes early. We will tour the 500 meter range, weather permitting, so dress accordingly.
For questions concerning the class please contact the Range Officer Supervisor at: sksc500ro@gmail.com or (616) 457-9111.