SCSA – Steel Challenge Shooting Association

The Steel Challenge is a speed shooting competition governed by the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA) that consists of eight standardized stages with five steel targets. Competitors are scored solely by the time it takes to complete each stage. The match winner is the competitor with the lowest overall time.
The main goal is to safely test the skill and ability of the individual.
Governing Body
The SCSA is the governing body of a shooting sport that promotes safe, fair and fun participation in Steel Shooting competition, for members of all ages and skill levels, through effective leadership, education, communication and administration.
For more information about the SCSA, visit:
How A Match Is Run
We run 8 stages but is based on the number of participants. On each stage there is a pre designed stage which consists of 5 steel plates one of which is designated as a stop plate. Under the guidance of the RO/SO and on the signal the shooter fires at the 4 plates must be hit before the stop plate. The time is recorded and this is repeated 4 more times. At the completion of the stage the shooter will show the RO/SO a clear breach and either holster or bag the firearm. Penalties (time) are assessed for misses/procedurals.
The four best times will be added for the stage time.
The stage called Outer Limits has movement from one shooting box to another that is six feet away and is only shot four times instead of five.
All other stages are shot five times.
Centerfire Pistol:
- Open
- Limited
- Limited Optics
- Production
- Single Stack
- Carry Optics
Rim-fire Pistol:
- Rimfire Pistol Irons (RFPI)
- Rimfire Pistol Open (RFPO)
- Iron Sight Revolver (ISR)
- Optical Sight Revolver (OSR)
Pistol Caliber Carbine:
- Open (PCCI)
- Iron Sights (PCCO)
Rimfire Rifle:
- Rimfire Rifle Irons (RFRI)
- Rimfire Rifle Open (RFRO)
Shooter may shoot two guns.
Typically we run 8 stages and each stage requires a minimum of 25 rounds so that would be 200 rounds with no misses. We recommend you bring twice as much as you think you need.
Please bring enough ammo and magazines or speed loaders for the stage to the shooter box.
Eye and Ear protection is required for all participants and spectators. EVERYONE!
- $25 Non-SKSC members
- $20 SKSC members
- $10 Juniors <15 years with an adult
- $5 second gun
SCSA Membership is strongly recommended after shooting the 1st match, but is not required.
Scores are usually posted within 24 hours of the match, and posted on: &
- Sign up is online through Practiscore or on squad sheets at sign in. Signing up online is best to secure a slot as we limit 12 guns per squad (Total 8 x 12 = 96 slots). The squad number will be the same as your starting stage.
- Sign in begins at 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. at the clubhouse. EVERYONE must go through sign in even if you signed up online.
- Sign up on squad sheets. The squad number will be the same as your starting stage
- Shooter may shoot two guns and must sign the squad sheet twice or enter online twice (This option will be based on the number of participants from month to month.).
- Scoring is done with a Tablet using Practiscore (No paper backup up).
- There are a minimum of 2 range officers/safety officers per squad.
- Shooting begins immediately after shooters meeting at approximately 9:00 a.m.
- Shooting ends usually around 3:00 p.m. depending on the number of participants
- Typically we run 8 stages and each stage requires a minimum of 25 rounds so that would be 200 rounds with no misses. We recommend you bring twice as much as you think you need.
- Please bring enough ammo and magazines or speed loaders for the stage to the shooter box.
- Eye and Ear protection is required for all participants and spectators. EVERYONE!
- Spectators are welcome
Matches are held on the first Saturday of each month, April through November.
Participants must first complete our “101 Class.”
There may be a Steel Challenge 101 class at 8:00 a.m. prior to the match based on the number of new participants interested. This class will only qualify you to participate in Steel Challenge matches and NOT any other action pistol competitions. Please contact Joe Dimeceli – Steel Challenge Match Director to sign up for the Steel Challenge 101 Class.
Match Disqualifications:
Persons who have been disqualified may not shoot during the remainder of the event. However, completed match scores will still count. (For example, if a person shoots a complete score in “Revolver” then disqualifies while shooting “Single Stack” that competitor’s “Revolver” score still stands.)
- Safety violations: The following will be grounds for an automatic disqualification from the event.
- Unsafe gun handling
- Pointing a firearm up range (breaking the 180 degree line).
- Dropping a firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, at any time during a course of fire.
- Leaving the firing line with a loaded firearm, or possession of a loaded firearm anywhere other than on the firing line.
- Retrieving a dropped firearm:
- Dropped firearms must always be retrieved by a Range Officer who will, after checking and/or clearing the firearm, place it directly into the competitor’s gun case, gun bag or holster.
- Dropping an unloaded firearm or causing it to fall outside of a course of fire is not an infraction; however, a competitor who retrieves a dropped firearm will receive a match disqualification.
- “Sweeping” or pointing the muzzle of a firearm at any part of any person’s body.
- “Moving” (taking more than one step) with finger inside of trigger guard.
- “Finger on the trigger during reload, unloading, loading or during remedial action
- Holstering a loaded handgun without the external safety applied or on a revolver, hammer cocked.
- Accidental discharge
- Any discharge while loading/unloading/reloading or lowering the hammer.
- Any shot fired outside of a timed string.
- Any shot fired into the holster or into the ground within 10 feet of the contestant
- Unsafe gun handling
For More Information
Or email: Joe Dimeceli – Steel Challenge Match Director